Advantage and Benefit of Bitter Cola and its Implication on Hearth.. - Starger Blog

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Advantage and Benefit of Bitter Cola and its Implication on Hearth..

Benefit of Bitter Cola and its Implication on Hearth The preliminary study conducted by different scholars and writers based on their research and understanding shows that, Bitter Cola is very useful for human consumption especially its superb works on eyes and its effectiveness as man power can never be over emphasized. 

Their point of view is correct but their research left out cognitive domain to have noticed the consequence and complicacy that it causes on the hearth. I agreed that the bitter cola is one of the natural fruit that does wonder in human life but I want to open this to the world that it has disadvantageous complicacy on the heart because the higher the consumption of bitter cola the lesser you will be able to control your breathing ethic. 

Belief me I will never give you fake or something that will affect you, that is why I always conducted a deep research before telling the world through social media or other platform. Aside from being a cultural symbol to Yoruba and some other part in Africa country, it contains many components that can improve several health situations. One of the major reasons why many people take it, is for the clearness of the eyes to improve the gravity of the eye fitness. 
It can also serve as booster to libido if combine with two or three ingredients (this is authentic but has unique processing). Due to the present of natural caffeine in bitter cola, it help the body to improve in metabolism which serves as a watching security for incoming artificial chemical that can affect the body system. Consumption of Biter cola is very helpful in improving appetite for the body and avail normal digestion. Therefore, the current research did not instruct people to completely stay away from taking it rather; the write up is advising people to make use of its benefits without any consequence. In order to set the structure straight, with little knowledge I have, I am recommending this to our people to use it in the following manner,

1. Both old and young citizen like to chewing bitter cola in their mouth for different reason best known them actually, one piece of cola cannot affect internal system but when it is getting to frequently addicted, it may cause heaviness on the upper channel of the heart which will reduce heart function or prompt inability to breath down normally. In the light of this, preferably, it is good to gulp down the juice of cola while chewing it but don’t swallow the congeal remnant

2. For the use of cataract, glaucoma or general eyes cleanser, it is very good if you can make it like herb. Cut it small or smash it in to bottle of your choice with little water for 24hours and drink it anytime you like, as demonstrated in the picture above.

3. It is very useful to cure persistence cough, just cut 20 pieces of bitter cola into bottle, with lime orange, 3 tom-tom and 15 spoon of horny, you cannot believe its miracle.

4. If you don’t have appetite or indigestive food in your stomach, just pound 10 biter cola and pack it inside bottle with lime orange (Orombo) for 3 hours, shake it properly and drink it but if you don’t have enough food on ground don’t use it, because the food in your stomach will disappear.

5. Above all, it is very useful for the man-power and sexual agility in bed function but need some ingredients to perfect it or you rather ask for power X.

If you find it useful, you can share it to your family and friends because many people cannot breath normally because of this.

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